Home Read Classic Album Review: High Five Drive | Service Engine Soon

Classic Album Review: High Five Drive | Service Engine Soon

These finely tuned punks are firing on all cylinders on this turbo-charged full-length.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


No wonder their engine needs servicing — hell, it’s a wonder High Five Drive haven’t already burned themselves out with their red-lining ways.

These finely tuned punks are definitely firing on all cylinders on this turbo-charged full-length. Laying rubber right off the line, they put the pedal to the metal and burn through 11 pop-punk tracks in less than 28 minutes. Despite their brevity, though, these cuts are fully formed entities, with intelligently introspective lyrics and yearning vocals that soar above chugging buzzsaw guitars, propulsive rhythms and precision-engineered arrangements. Sure, it wouldn’t kill them to take it down a gear now and then — but in this indie race, these boys take the checkered flag.

FILE UNDER: Speed thrills.

TELLING SONG TITLE: Abandon this Compromise.