20 Questions With Matt Morson

Matt Morson is true country. Don't take my word for it: True Country also happens the title of the Ontario singer-songwriter's latest single. And rightly so — Morson comes...

Stylus Counsel | Area Resident’s Records

Long before it was a Top 40 radio station in the nation's capital, Ottawa's CFMO was an easy-listening station. My parents often chose it — not because they liked...

Stylus Counsel | Area Resident’s Records

One of my partner's cool stories about her time as a blogger involves when she was asked to do a movie review of Twilight and she deliberately — jokingly...

Rewinding July | The Best Roots

From jam-band scions to country-rock waitresses, July had plenty to offer roots-music fans. Here are the top releases in alphabetical order — just click on the cover picture to...

Rewinding October | The Top Loudness

From riff-rock to punk and speed-metal to glam, there was plenty of headbangable fare on the roster this month. Guess that's why they call it Rocktober. Here's the biggest...

20 Questions With Sam Robbins

Sam Robbins is older than he looks — in more ways than one. The baby-faced Nashville singer-songwriter and former Voice contestant has probably been carded for every beer he's ever...

Rewinding 2019 | The Coolest Covers

Cover tunes are an essential cornerstone of music. I don't know of a musician or a singer who didn't start off playing other people's songs. And I can't name...

Rewinding October | The Top Live Albums

I saw a ridiculous headline recently that said something like, "Live Albums Are Irrelevant, So Why Do People Keep Making Them?" That was about the dumbest thing I've heard...

Rewinding July | The Best Reissues & Oldies

Everything old is new again — eventually. Here are the best compilations and reissues that came out in July, listen in alphabetical order. Just click on the cover picture...

Stylus Counsel | Area Resident’s Records

I have never been a big fan of live albums, but I'm starting to come around. When I was younger, there were still so many ‘albums you need to...

Rewinding September | The Top CanCon

From pop supergroups to rock legends, there was plenty of great music coming out of our home and native land in September. Here are the best titles I heard,...

Rewinding May | The Best Compilations & Reissues

Everything old is new again — eventually. Here are the best compilations and reissues that came out in May, listed in alphabetical order. Just click on the cover pictures...

Rewinding July | The Best Rock & Pop

Need some new sounds to soak up along with those summer rays? You could do worse than July's pop and rock releases. Here's the best of the bunch, listed...

Rewinding 2019 | The Devastating Truth

Some people enjoy a good cry. I am not one of them — hell, I'm depressed enough most of the time as it is. But every year, I get...

Rewinding 2019 | The Country Rulers

Years ago, while I was driving down to SXSW, a U.S. border agent told me I had to answer one question before he'd let me into the country: Did...

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