Home Read Classic Album Review: Laika | Good Looking Blues

Classic Album Review: Laika | Good Looking Blues

This came out in 2000 — or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


When you name your band after the first dog in orbit, people expect you to sound a little out of this world.

British post-pop sextet Laika — not to be confused with Finnish surf-compoops Laika And The Cosmonauts — one again deliver the spacey goods on their third album Good Looking Blues. True to its title, these 10 tracks are a moody love affair between beauty and the beat. The former comes in the form of vocalist Margaret Fiedler’s sultry, smart and soulfully icy pipes. The latter is supplied by multi-instrumentalist and producer Guy Fixsen’s groovalicious cocktail of syncopated hip-hop, light-fingered jazz, dark dub and edgy electropop. When you put it all together, it’s like nothing on Earth.