Home Read Steve Schmolaris’s EP Review: William Prince | The Sound of Christmas

Steve Schmolaris’s EP Review: William Prince | The Sound of Christmas

What's another word for "too soon"? Unseasonable!

I don’t mean to nit-pick, but isn’t it a little early to be singing Christmas carols? Released Oct. 18 — a full 67 days before Dec. 25 (nearly a fifth of a year) — William Prince’s The Sound of Christmas responds with a resounding ho-ho-NO.

Move over, Halloween. Move over, Remembrance Day. Move over… I don’t know… Holodomor Memorial Day. CHRISTMAS TIME IS HERE!!!

Ignore the 20+ degree Celsius weather that Winnipeg will experience today (and enjoyed this weekend past). Ignore that many (deciduous) trees still cling to their leaves. Ignore the lack of snow and parkas and wool mitts. CHRISTMAS TIME IS HERE!!!

Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas. The tree usually goes up on Nov. 11th and, with rare exceptions, doesn’t come down again until Louis Riel Day (which, I understand, is excessive) — but this… THIS… is excessively excessive. Who has even sorted out their Christmas plans? Has anyone’s mom agreed to host dinner? It seems like the ghost of Christmas future is a tad precocious.

What’s another word for “too soon”? Unseasonable!

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Serge Bielanko lives in small-town Pennsylvania with an amazing wife who’s out of his league and a passel of exceptional kids who still love him even when he’s a lot. Every week, he shares his thoughts on life, relationships, parenting, baseball, music, mental health, the Civil War and whatever else is rattling around his noggin.