Home Read Classic Album Review: Twiztid | Mostasteless

Classic Album Review: Twiztid | Mostasteless

These ICP proteges pale in comparison to their clown-faced horror-rap mentors.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Supposedly, this Detroit horror-rap duo are proteges of fellow Motown maniacs The Insane Clown Posse.

Some people have suggested that proteges actually means alter-egos, but I have no evidence for that. And ultimately, it really doesn’t matter who’s behind the makeup. All I know is, ICP may be the ones wearing whiteface, but Twiztid still pale by comparison. Clearly, they want to come off dark and devilish; too bad their goofy voices and nasal delivery makes them sound like Gilbert Gottfried rapping. As for content, well, Mostasteless is actually lesstasteless than ICP’s last outing. A few tunes like Rock The Dead and Diemotherfuckerdie! might tick off your dad, but the rest of these rhymes are as stale as ICP’s leftover popcorn.