Home Read Classic Album Review: Schneider TM | Moist

Classic Album Review: Schneider TM | Moist

This German electronica import boasts something his peers lack: A sense of humour.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


One-man band Dirk Dresselhaus (aka Schneider TM) is the latest in a recent mini-wave of minimalist German electronica acts invading these shores.

But last certainly doesn’t mean least. Quite the opposite. In addition to drawing from a wider sonic pallet than most new Krautrock acts — along with the robotic beatboxes and Kraftwerk-castoff synths, there are rain-stick sequencers and marching-band drums — Dresselhaus has something else the recent German exports lack: A sense of humour. Like Devo’s Mark Mothersbaugh, he likes his effects silly, his melodies poppy, his synths rubbery and his beats big and bouncy. The result: Tunes that merrily pulse and chug along like Nintendo soundtracks, or sound like the accompaniment to a cartoon assembly line. Now is the time on Sprockets when we wear flower pot helmets, no?