Home Read Classic Album Review: To Rococo Rot | The Amateur View

Classic Album Review: To Rococo Rot | The Amateur View

The German synth ticklers’s album proves that friends really are electric.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


In a white room with black curtains dwell To Rococo Rot, a triad of palindrome-handled synth ticklers out of Germany.

It’s the perfect setting for this experimental trio; like Aphex Twin and his orderly ambient excursions, TRR often prefer to keep their world clean and pristine — chilly, chattering synths sharing space with the lush isolation of sweet, swelling strings. But once they pull back the curtain, a world of colour and emotion comes creeping in via sexy basslines and infectious rhythms. Warmth yet cool, soothing yet compelling, To Rococo Rot prove friends really are electric.