Danah-Lee Wants Society To Make Some Room

The singer-songwriter utilizes her faith to push for LGBTQ+ rights in her new single.

Danah-Lee advocates for queer Pride with her anthemic new single and rainbow-hued lyric video Make Some Room — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

Coming off a win at the Ottawa Capital Music Awards, the Contemporary Christian singer-songwriter and producer shares a timely song that blends encouraging lyrics with beautiful melodies. With this song of acceptance and pride, Danah-Lee is utilizing her faith to push for LGBTQ+ rights.

“It feels like the direction of my music is shifting to social justice and equality for those of us in the queer community,” says the Canadian singer-songwriter, who always strives to balance and express her Christian and queer identities. “There is still such a lack of awareness and understanding of what it is like to be part of a marginalized group. When you come from a place of privilege, it is difficult to fathom what it might be like to walk in the shoes of those who are traditionally considered marginalized.

“My song focuses on the importance of Pride because of these factors,” she says. “Pride symbolizes our right to live openly; to be seen and validated. For decades, queer people were persecuted, and we were considered illegal. We could be jailed just being ourselves or loving who we love. That law was overturned only 55 years ago — and we refuse to go backwards. That’s why we need Pride!”

With five solo albums, two collaboration albums and an extensive background in studying music, Danah-Lee has proven herself to be a powerful force. After receiving her music degree, she established herself as a prominent songwriter within the Christian scene while fiercely expressing her identity as a queer artist. This year she received Ottawa’s Capital Music Awards Music Educator Of The Year honour; she has won the Reader’s Choice Award for Best Music Instructor from 2019 to 2023.

After facing discrimination from the church throughout her youth due to her queer identity, Danah-Lee knew she wanted to provide a platform and help others through music. Not only has she established herself as a musical artist, but she is also an entrepreneur, author, speaker, church music leader and music educator. She has established the Rainbow Worship Service in the Ottawa Valley, a first-of-its-kind service designed to create a spiritual safe space for those who have been marginalized by the church and may suffer from religious trauma.

Watch the lyric video for Make Some Room above, sample more music from Danah-Lee below, and find her on her website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.