Home Read Classic Album Review: Various Artists | Black Mask Soundtrack

Classic Album Review: Various Artists | Black Mask Soundtrack

The martial-arts film soundtrack features a hard-hitting cast of black-belt rappers.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Jet Li is Hong Kong’s newest action-hero export — the kind of guy who walks and talks softly, but carries a big can of whupass.

And while the rap artists on this soundtrack to the Jet-propelled action flick Black Mask may not be as quiet as Li, they’re certainly just as capable of a devastating beatdown. Wielding thumping rhythms like body blows and tossing off whirling rhymes like nunchucks, this largely unknown crew — Defari, Noreaga and Everlast are the biggest names here — execute flawless rap maneuvres that will floor the competition. Move over, Wu-Tang Clan — there are some new black belts in the house.