DIY Discovery | Pterodactyl Problems

Most of the music I hear is sent to me by labels and publicists. But there’s nothing like getting it straight from the source. Welcome to the latest instalment...

Luther Russell | The Tinnitist Interview

Luther Russell has just realized something very cool about his latest album Medium Cool. "This is fairly strange," the singer-guitarist, songwriter and producer says from his L.A. home, "but the...

20 Questions With Mare Wakefield & Nomad

Mare Wakefield & Nomad know that two heads are better than one. Just one week after premiering their latest single Give Myself To Love exclusively HERE, the Nashville duo...

Area Resident’s Stylus Counsel | Vive La Différence!

From Grade 7 through to high school graduation, I was a French-immersion kid. That means more than half my day was in French. I learned grammar and vocabulary, of...

Thunder Pie | Stabbed In The Neck By Some Kid With A Pencil: Tiny...

Pee-Paw Decides What to Write About. Coffee. Folgers. Or Walmart brand. Cheap coffee, with like two or three fingers of milk and a healthy/ unhealthy dose of sugar. No fake...

20 Questions With Twin Flames

Twin Flames lit up the site a few weeks back with their video for their revolutionary song Battlefields from their upcoming Omen album (you can check out that post...

Area Resident’s Stylus Counsel | My Complicated Relationship With Bongo Fury

It was such an unusual thing to see in a junk shop — an amateur painting of the cover of Bongo Fury. My partner and I go to lots of...

DIY Discovery | Super 8

Most of the music I hear is sent to me by labels and publicists. But there's nothing like getting it straight from the source. Welcome to today's instalment of...

Area Resident’s Stylus Counsel | The Screech Beaver’s Mean, Mean Pride

It's like, "How much more Canadian can it be?" And the answer is, "None. None more Canadian." The cover of Rush’s 1981 album Moving Pictures is basically the equivalent...

Back Stories | Nirvana’s Nevermind & The Grunge Explosion

Just in case you don't feel old enough already, here's something to remind you: Nirvana's iconic album Nevermind turns 30 years old on Friday. Like a lot of folks,...

Stylus Counsel | Area Resident’s Records

A few months ago I was holding a pop-up record sale at a local microbrewery. One of the albums I was selling kept causing confusion. The centre of said confusion...

Read Yet Another Excerpt From 101 Fascinating Canadian Music Facts

My buddy David McPherson’s latest book 101 Fascinating Canadian Music Facts recently hit shelves. To mark the occasion, this week he's letting me share a few of the stories...

20 Questions With D2UR

Today's Q&A features D2UR, a Winnipeg modern-rock outfit who recently showcased their latest video Little Sunshine on the site. You can check it out below and read more about...

Rewinding 2019 | The Country Rulers

Years ago, while I was driving down to SXSW, a U.S. border agent told me I had to answer one question before he'd let me into the country: Did...

Rewinding 2019 | Roots Releases With A Twist

I don't know about you, but I generally prefer my roots music with a little kick to it. So instead of a bunch of Americana, bluegrass and folk, my...

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