This came out in 2005 — or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):
Either you love Adam Green or you love to hate him. And the third solo outing from this former Moldy Peaches singer-guitarist isn’t likely to change anybody’s mind.
Those who get a kick out of his ramshackle collision of bouncy ’60s folk-pop, Beckish babbling brook lyrics, pop-culture namedropping, ironic crooning and sophomoric cursing (guess what he rhymes with Carolina) will find much to love about Gemstones. Those who feel he’s wasting his talent and their time will continue to cluck their tongues, shake their heads and be disappointed by these tossed-off two-minute ditties about chubby princesses, Teddy Boys and crack houses. And those who’ve always wondered what Jonathan Richman would sound like with Tourette’s will finally have their answer.