This came out in 2005 — or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):
Jason Anderson used to be Wolf Colonel in the same way Robert Pollard used to be (and still mostly is) Guided by Voices.
But unlike the eternally consistent Pollard, Anderson varies his style to go with his handle. As Wolf Colonel he went in for an indie-pop sound. But on his second solo album The Wreath, as on last year’s New England, Anderson aptly adopts a more intimate pose, crafting earnest, introspective confessions out of piano, guitars and his lonely-boy vocals. Mixing full-band tracks with stark ballads and shuffling his stylistic cards accordingly keep Anderson from sounding like a one-trick pony — but even so, at times The Wreath could be mistaken for any number of similar bedroom-troubadour testimonials from this year’s crop of corduroy-clad, melancholy boys.