Home Read Classic Album Review: Rammstein | Reise, Reise

Classic Album Review: Rammstein | Reise, Reise

They have ways of making you rock.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Eins, zwei, drei… fear.

For their fourth studio album, these Teutonic titans of goth-metal continue to follow the terrifying battle plan that has served them so well so far. Start with plodding grooves and uncompromisingly strict, pummeling beats. Add layers of grinding, vulcanized guitars. Top with thick, guttural German vocals that never fail to sound vaguely threatening. Sprinkle with grandly anthemic orchestral choruses and serve to the masses — whether they like it or not. I suspect the Yanks might not like lines like, “We’re all living in Amerika / Coca-Cola, sometimes war.” But I doubt that will deter Rammstein. After all, they have ways of making you rock.