Home Read Classic Album Review: Doctor | High Is As High Gets

Classic Album Review: Doctor | High Is As High Gets

Former members of Watchmen and Change Of Heart join forces for a supergroup.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Former Watchmen vocalist Danny Greaves brings his trademark dusty melodic croon and instantly addictive hooks. Former Change Of Heart and Rocket Science bassist Rob Higgins — who also happens to be Geddy Lee’s nephew — supplies the supple low-end rumbling, some feral backup vocals and an apparently bottomless well of chugging power-chord riffs.

Together with the help of a brick-house drummer who pumps out four-on-the-floor backbeats and a guitarist whose amplifier co-ordinates are permanently locked on star-crunch, they generate a dozen radio-ready Canrock cuts that acknowledge the likes of Tragically Hip, but up the ante with their raw aggression and edgy eccentricity. If you’ve had the blues over the recent demise of The Watchmen, Doctor could be the cure for what ails you.