Home Read Albums Of The Week: Total Hell | Killed By Evil

Albums Of The Week: Total Hell | Killed By Evil

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE: “Emerging from their vile tomb once again, Total Hell have risen and conjured their debut LP Killed By Evil — a perfect amalgamation of demonic metal and raw, prodding punk.

With Killed By Evil, this band of twisted rippers featuring New Orleans elites Drew Owen (Sick Thoughts), John Henry (Static Static), Michael Hohan (Trampoline Team) and Panzer (Persuaders / Tirefire) tap even deeper into the sullen world of brutal ’80s metal and hardcore, masterfully referencing the sounds of Venom, Slayer and Discharge, while creating their own cursed, singular vibe.

On tracks like Demonized and Nuclear Satanic Warfare, Total Hell conjure warped, proto-metal landscapes, accessing dark, ruthless shredding and pummeling beats. Meanwhile, on the Intro and Outro cuts, they take the listener on a demented, atmospheric odyssey with synthesized soundscapes and psychedelic space guitar tangles.

The album’s arrangement is clearly intentional and conceptual, glued together with devilish samples and glitchy, synthesized transitions — all while astral projecting hellish nightmares into your feeble mind with their wicked and unhinged lyrics. Run for your life — Total Hell and Killed By Evil are here to bludgeon you beyond recognition with endless, unmerciful riffing.”