Home Read Classic Album Review: By Divine Right | Sweet Confusion

Classic Album Review: By Divine Right | Sweet Confusion

Jose Contreras gets in touch with his inner guitar god on his energetic release.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Call it Divine inspiration. On second thought, better make that Divine perspiration.

For his latest disc Sweet Confusion, By Divine Right mastermind Jose Contreras gets in touch with his inner guitar god and exercises his divine right to rock. Scaling back the experimental pop and warm ’n’ fuzzy textures that softened his other discs, Contreras keeps it simple, stupid — he plugs in his axe, cranks up the amp and kicks out the jams on 14 strong, fat-free cuts. Along the way, he churns out more choogling ’60s glam licks, greasy ’70s rock riffs and crunchy ’80s power-pop hooks than a K-Tel collection, spurring his latest version of BDR through their leanest, meanest and cleanest disc to date. Here and there, Contreras even plays good Samaritan, letting his bandmates write and take the mic more than ever before. Proving that for once, there seems to be a method to Contreras’s divine madness. Catch them live and see if you don’t get converted.