Home Read Classic Album Review: Pixies | Wave of Mutilation

Classic Album Review: Pixies | Wave of Mutilation

Shell out for a collection of stuff you already own from the reunited indie-rockers.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Still not sick of the Pixies’ cash-in reunion? Then by all means shell out for this 23-song collection of stuff you probably already own.

HITS: All the usual suspects — Here Comes Your Man, Gigantic, Bone Machine, Alec Eiffel, Where Is My Mind and plenty more.

MISSES: I’m sure every devoted Pixies fan could complain that at least of one of their favourite deep cuts isn’t here.

EXTRAS: A couple of readily available B-sides are the closest you get to any new material.