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Classic Album Review: Pete Seeger | Headlines & Footnotes: A Collection Of Topical Songs

The banjo-folk legend collects a slate of fanfares for the common man.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Public Enemy’s Chuck D has famously referred to rap music as “the CNN of the ghetto.” And rightly so. But with all due respect to Chuck, the concept is nothing new.

Sure, the beat has changed and the melodies have mutated, but really, it’s no different than it was 60 years ago when folk music was the tribal drum of the underclass; chronicling events, analysing issues and sticking it to the man. In his 60-year career, banjo-folk legend Pete Seeger has recorded plenty of topical tunes — two dozen or so of which are gathered here. Some deal with industrial advancement (Peg And Awl), others with world events (The Titanic, Times A-Getting Hard) and still others with the lighter side of life (English is Cuh-Ray-Zee). But they all share one trait — they’re fanfares for the common man. Back to you, Chuck.