This came out in 2005 — or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):
Selected Essays on Time-Reckoning and Auto-Cannibalism. That’s the subtitle to Buried Inside’s Relapse debut Chronoclast.
It’s also your first hint that this mind-melting Ottawa quintet are more than just some bunch of brainless headbanging bruisers. For more clues, consult song titles like Time As Imperialism, Time As Abjection and (my fave) Time As Surrogate Religion. Or better still, play the disc and try to wrap your head around this insanely challenging 40-minute prog-metal epic built from dense tidal waves of chugging space-rock guitar, intricate rhythmic kinetics and the indecipherable screams of a homicidal maniac (or his victim). If you’re looking for metal that actually makes you feel smarter instead of dumber for listening to it, take the hint and dig up a copy of Buried Inside’s Chronoclast.