This came out in 2000 — or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):
Influential indie music mag CMJ still runs letters berating them for putting a cleavage-heavy shot of sexy British mixmistress DJ Rap on the cover months ago.
OK, so she’s a hottie; don’t hate her because she’s beautiful. After all, one spin of her accomplished new disc Learning Curve is all it takes to see she’s not some talentless bimbo. Deftly staking out a place for herself on the exact midpoint between rap, acid house, pop and electronica, Rap (real name: Charissa Saverio) confidently mixes sultry sex-kitten vocals and stylish, pumping house grooves with smart songcraft, proving herself just as adept at drafting melodies and lyrics as she is at twiddling knobs and programming machinery. No matter what her curves look like, Learning Curve is a thing of beauty.