Home Read Classic Album Review: Duran Duran | Astronaut

Classic Album Review: Duran Duran | Astronaut

The original ’80s fancy boys reunite for their first album together in a generation.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


I am not sure if this is a portent of the Apocalypse or just proof that ’80s nostalgia has officially started, but Duran Duran are back. And not just back as in back with a new album, but back as in honest-to-Bowie reunited.

Astronaut, the synth-pop fancy boys’ 11th studio set, is their first album in 21 years to feature all five original members. (Amazing as it sounds, the Earth has managed to keep spinning all this time. Even more amazing, there are plenty of people out there who care about this sort of thing. But anyway.)

You have to admit, judging by the artwork, the boys look remarkably well-preserved, suggesting they’ve a) spent some quality time in the gym; b) spent some quality time under the knife; or c) spent some quality time signing faustian pacts with Satan (hence that Apocalypse theory. But anyway again).

I only wish they had spent as much time and cash freeze-drying their classic sound in anticipation of this day. Leadoff track and first single (Reach Up For The) Sunrise, with its soaring chorus and bouncy groove, is vaguely reminiscent of The Reflex. The next tune, Want You More!, is a decently crunchy rocker.

But the further you delve into this front-loaded set of low-impact grooves, the more you realize that while nothing here is as pompous and annoying as Wild Boys, nothing is as inspired and instantly addictive as Hungry Like The Wolf either. And if you check the credits, you’ll notice about half of Astronaut’s dozen tracks are three years old, which doesn’t exactly suggest this reunion has kickstarted the band’s songwriting juices.

Sure, the Duranies and ’80s nostalgists will get their kicks — and the band will get their cash — out of the mandatory reunion tour. But unless you’ve got 2004 in the office Armageddon pool, there really isn’t too much in this for the rest of us.