Home Read Classic Album Review: Bantam Rooster | The Cross And The Switchblade

Classic Album Review: Bantam Rooster | The Cross And The Switchblade

Two members are all this Michigan crew need to kick out the jams, brothers & sisters.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


This Michigan garage-punkabilly outfit has just two members — a drummer and a singer-guitarist.

But it still has everything it needs to kick out the jams: Primal, pounding drums that Iggy could jive to, rip-snorting Detroit metal guitars, a singer who sounds like he’s caught in his zipper, and sideburns longer than some of their tunes. On this sophomore disc, they use that ammunition to engineer a wild shotgun wedding between The MC5, Stooges, Cramps and Oblivians — with themselves as best men, wedding band and illegitimate offspring all rolled into one. No wonder they’re the cocks of the rock walk.