Home Read Classic Album Review: Jimmy Buffett | License To Chill

Classic Album Review: Jimmy Buffett | License To Chill

The mayor of Margaritaville serves up more coconut-scented, sun-bleached ditties.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


He lives by, on, in, around and never far from the ocean.

He tosses off lighthearted island-pop and laid-back roots ditties about boat drinks, beach bumming and sailing the seas of heartbreak. He gets stars like Alan Jackson, George Strait and Toby Keith to help him do the heavy lifting. And he makes a bazillion bucks with the whole coconut-scented, sun-bleached, mayor of Margaritaville shtik. Clearly, Jimmy Buffett knows something the rest of us don’t. Or he’s sold his soul to Lucifer. Either way, I’m jealous.