Home Read Classic Album Review: Pietasters | Awesome Mix Tape #6

Classic Album Review: Pietasters | Awesome Mix Tape #6

All that’s missing from the D.C. outfit's third album is a ska cover of Sister Christian.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


If you recognize the title from Boogie Nights — it was the name on the psycho coke dealer’s Sister Christian cassette — give yourself a point.

But Washington, D.C., ska septet Pietasters aren’t just playing movie trivia here; this is also a perfect title for their impressively eclectic third CD. You get yer zippy ska-punk; you get yer old-school Jamaican blue beat; you get yer grinding speed-punk and pop-core; you get yer Stax-Volt Memphis soul — and you even get a hilarious comedy number called Me No Wanna Lickee You Down There — all dished up with plenty of spunk. All that’s missing is a ska cover of Sister Christian. Now THAT would be awesome!