Home Read Classic Album Review: Old Time Relijun | Uterus And Fire

Classic Album Review: Old Time Relijun | Uterus And Fire

Arrington De Dionyso and his backwoods blues-rockers keep it intensely freaky.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


You have to feel sorry for Old Time Relijun leader Arrington De Dionyso’s neighbours.

You can just tell from the intensely freaky Uterus And Fire — the second album from his twisted, backwoods blues-rock band — that he’s the kind of guy who stays up all night jamming on jaw harp or babbling incoherently. And those are some of the more sedate moments here. The rest of the time he’s screeching like Tiny Tim tiptoeing through the tulips with a goat, while his gonzo band stumbles and lurches around like The Violent Femmes covering Captain Beefheart. And if you think he’s gonna turn it down, you’ve got another think coming. Like life itself, Uterus And Fire is nasty, brutish and short — way too short for my taste.