Home Read Classic Album Review: Boomtown Rats | Best Of

Classic Album Review: Boomtown Rats | Best Of

All the hits you need (and more) from Bob Geldof & his scrappy Irish post-punks.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Before he earned a title by trying to save the world with a Band-Aid, Bob Geldof made a name for himself as the leader of these scrappy Irish post-punks.

HITS: The mandatory I Don’t Like Mondays, along with 18 lesser-known but equally valid cuts like Rat Trap, Looking After No. 1, (I Never Loved) Eva Braun and The Elephants Graveyard.

MISSES: Anything rare — no live cuts, no leftovers, nada. Tell me why.

EXTRAS: Just some liner notes and old pix.