Home Read Classic Album Review: Gluecifer | Automatic Thrill

Classic Album Review: Gluecifer | Automatic Thrill

The Norwegian monkey-boy riffmeisters unleash a 36-minute pelvic thrust of rawk.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


“I got a car full of stash … I got some tickets and hash / And I wanna sell it,” claims Gluecifer’s Biff Malibu.

That ain’t the half of it, baby. These Norwegian monkey-boy riffmeisters are hawking something far more valuable: A prime contender for retro-rawk album of the year. Yeah, I know it’s only July. But I also know that Automatic Thrill is one monstrously malevolent mutha — an unstoppable 36-minute pelvic thrust of sleazy sex, illegal drugs and unhinged rock ’n’ roll. Fuelled by an overdose of fist-pumping beats, headcrushing power chords, greasy licks, arena-sized choruses and take-no-prisoners ferocity, metal-flaked grenades like Take It, Dingdong Thing and the audacious street-fightin’ man anthem Here Come the Pigs are the sonic equivalent of a dirty needle of adrenaline straight in the eyeball. And the sort of songs that make The Hives and The Darkness look like the overhyped media darlings they are. Whatever Biff is selling, I’ll take two.