Ian North Gazes Upon A Beautiful China Moon

The Ottawa singer-songwriter takes you to a heavenly world in his comeback single.

Ian North dreams of a magical China Moon in his ethereal and exotic new folk single and video — showcasing today on Tinnisit.

A preview of the distinguished Canadian singer-songwriter’s upcoming third album Everything Is Incomplete, due in August, the lush China Moon was inspired by the stories that North’s wife Jennifer Claveau — who created the video — told him about growing up in Toronto, and playing in wooded ravines, building treehouses, and creating make-believe games in secret gardens.

Produced by Chris Gartner and North, the sounds and lyrical story of China Moon take you on a fantastic journey. With North’s earnest Bruce Cockburn-like vocals, and the glorious multiple harmonies in the chorus, it’s a reverie about a heavenly world where clocks stand still, licorice sticks grow in the grass, and diamonds grow on trees. Driven by tabla, the long instrumental pads of sound — electric and acoustic guitars, vibraphones, bass, nature sounds, and keyboards — create a lush and lulling vibe for lyrics that seem like a cross between a fable, a fairy tale and a dream:

“In China Moon there is a clock whose hands never go round
Because the day stands still at one, until the sun goes down
In China Moon there lives a girl whom none will ever marry
Until a boy brings a cherry stone that was never in a cherry.”

North, who has carved a niche in the music scene with his distinctive “fallen angel folk-rock” fashioned from evocative lyrics and soulful melodies, literally came back from the brink of death to produce Everything is Incomplete. The album of songs about hope and resilience was recorded during his year-long stint in rehabilitation after suffering a double-lung pulmonary embolism, which caused his heart to stop three times over a two-hour period. Thanks to the heroic efforts of emergency medical staff, North survived a week-long coma and a month’s worth of medical morphine-induced hallucinations. Everything is Incomplete completes one thing: His wife’s wish that he would make another album, and her undying-love promise that she’d help him accomplish that.

Born and raised in Ottawa, North began his musical journey at an early age. Immersed in a vibrant musical environment, he drew inspiration from the rich tapestry of Canadian folk and indie rock. His 2002 debut album Emptiful captivated audiences with its introspective themes and heartfelt delivery. His music, characterized by its poignant storytelling and intricate acoustic arrangements, quickly garnered a dedicated fanbase. Critics have praised his ability to blend traditional folk elements with modern sensibilities, creating a sound that’s both timeless and fresh. He received an honourable mention from Nashville’s Positive Pop Song Contest for Beautiful City.

In 2006, he released the album Theory Of Your Life, toured the U.K. and won a songwriting award from the Ontario Council of Folk Festivals for The Ballad of Stephen Reid. Theory Of Your Life delves deeper into personal and fictional narratives, reflecting on themes of identity, belonging, and the human experience. The album’s standout track Skates received international play.

Watch the video for China Moon above, hear more from Ian North below and join him on his website, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.