Home Read Classic Album Review: Ill Ease | The Exorcist

Classic Album Review: Ill Ease | The Exorcist

Musical multi-tasker Elizabeth Sharp tweaks your pleasure center with her fourth LP.


This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


If Jennifer Herrema from Royal Trux, Kim Gordon from Sonic Youth and the Deal sisters from The Breeders formed a band, this is what it would sound like.

Except Ill Ease isn’t really a band; it’s one musical multi-tasker by the name of Elizabeth Sharp. I have read that Sharp has a neurological condition that causes her brain’s pleasure centre to be directly stimulated by music — which could explain why she wrote, played, sang, recorded and produced nearly every note on her fourth album The Exorcist. Or maybe she’s just a control freak. Who knows? Either way, I’m willing to bet that her shambling blend of narcoleptic grooves, junkie-nod vocals and basement-band performances will tweak your brain’s pleasure centres accordingly.