Home See Classic Album Review: Cibo Matto | Stereotype A

Classic Album Review: Cibo Matto | Stereotype A

The food-crazy popsters' second course continues to follow their recipe for success.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


The name means “food crazy” in Italian — and even though Cibo Matto was founded by Yuka Honda and Miho Hatori, two Japanese female ex-pats in New York, they live up to the handle.

Their appetizing first disc, Viva! La Woman, was a culinary-obsessed outing with kooky indie-hop tunes like Sugar Water and Know Your Chicken. For their second course, they’ve added a couple of cooks, including Honda’s beau Sean Lennon, but they don’t spoil the broth. Stereotype A is still a mouth-watering platter of tastes and textures, from bachelor-pad pop to swirling hip-hop, soul, R&B, and heavy metal — sometimes, all in the same song. Even the food references are still there, albeit a little smarter — “Can’t find the spoon we once had, the sugar cubes will melt no more” is as artsy a love lyric as you’ll hear anywhere. Anyway you slice it, it’s a recipe for success.