Home Read Classic Album Review: Various Artists | Lilith Fair Volumes 2 & 3

Classic Album Review: Various Artists | Lilith Fair Volumes 2 & 3

Enjoy crisply produced, diverse snapshots of one of rock’s most eclectic festivals.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Since this is supposedly Lilith Fair’s last year, and since your town probably isn’t on the itinerary, these discs are as close as you’re likely to get to Sarah McLachlan’s female-powered festival.

And while that may be disappointing, these CDs aren’t; each of these collections is a crisply produced, diverse snapshot of one of rock’s most eclectic festivals. While Sarah smiles on both albums, Volume 2 seems to skew slightly toward the newer, louder and funkier (Queen Latifah, Tracy Bonham and Holly McNarland), while Volume 3 goes more for the softer and folkier (Suzanne Vega, Indigo Girls and Chantal Kreviazuk). But either way, you can’t go wrong.