Home Read Albums Of The Week: Mike Monford | The Cloth I’m Cut From

Albums Of The Week: Mike Monford | The Cloth I’m Cut From

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE:Mike Monford has dedicated over 30 years to practising, performing, and experimenting with the universal language of music — all of which come into play on his fittingly titled new album The Cloth I’m Cut From.

Recorded live in his native Detroit, the five-track disc captures the veteran sax master in full flight and at the height of his powers, putting a crack ensemble through their paces on a set list that confidently showcases everything from propulsivel Latin-tinged groovers, punchy pointed post-bop and high-flying Afrofuturism to soulfully shimmering spoken-word slow jams and mournful Eastern European-influenced balladry — all while speaking to the Black experience in his beleagured home city. If this is your introduction to the long-serving artist, you’re in for a rare treat.

Monford’s own introduction to music was sponsored by his father’s culturally diverse curation of jazz and R&B vinyl, providing him primary reference to challenge the traditions of music, while ushering in a fresh and invigorating experience for his audience. As his social life began to grow, Mike became familiar and intrigued with the growing culture of hip-hop. And throughout his teenage years, applied himself to this emerging platform as a DJ under the alias DJ M&M. It was at this time he seized the opportunity to pick up a saxophone, cueing his journey to transforming the art of jazz.

Surrendering to the craft and demanding culture of the music industry Mike began to explore his options as a full time musician, landing his first gig in New York performing for the bassist Bill Lee. He soon moved forward to scoring elite referrals, performing and recording with influencers such as pianist Marc Cary, trumpeter Raymond Williams and bassist Hakim Jami. During his time in New York Mike began to explore the more intimate details of music, making time to prioritize musical composition in preparation to expand his contributions to the world of music. This education led him to composing and producing his 2012 debut album Perseverance with his newly formed band featuring Grammy-winning pianist Marc Cary, bassist Tarus Mateen, drummer Steve Williams and trumpeter Rayse Biggs.

Elevated by a successful first album and supported by his diverse and revered core of mentors Mike has spent the last 10 years touring the world with his band, performing at festivals and concerts with Les Nubians and Marc Cary’s Harlem Sessions. His understanding and passion for music has allowed him the freedom to share his knowledge of the art form. From teaching and mentoring youth in Detroit to contributing to cultural media sources, Monford remains grounded and dedicated to challenging his ability to adapt and recycle his experience with the world. In 2022, Mike seized another opportunity to challenge himself when his participation with the Autophysiopsychic Millennium was featured at Carnegie Hall.

Driven to keep up with the pace and vibration of life, Mike continues his journey with The Cloth I’m Cut From, a celebration of his 30 years of growth and transformation. The single Jah Jah showcases his power to translate the emotions and sentiments of the world we live in. Giving hope and spreading light throughout the collective chaos of political and cultural oppression.”