Home Read Classic Album Review: Llama Farmers | Dead Letter Chorus

Classic Album Review: Llama Farmers | Dead Letter Chorus

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Like a lot of bands, London’s Llama Farmers have a fuzzbox — and they’re not afraid to use it on Dead Letter Chorus.

Indeed, their distortion pedal is practically a fifth member of the band, helping them lay down guitar lines as thick and furry as shag carpets, or giving their four-chord alt-rock numbers the angry buzz of a swarm of bees. Fortunately, unlike a lot of bands, the Farmers know that man cannot live on distortion alone. Beneath all that dirt, there are clean, melancholy sentiments and off-kilter pop melodies that suggest a collaboration between Hüsker Dü, Pavement and Pixies — three other bands that also knew how to use a fuzzbox.