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Classic Album Review: Dream City Film Club | In The Cold Light Of Morning

The British trio keep you on your toes, moving from lulling peace to blues sludge.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


With a handle like Dream City Film Club, you expect these guys to offer something lulling and cinematic. And that’s what you get — some of the time, anyway.

But just when you’re getting used to the peace and tranquility, this London trio unveil one helluva plot twist, slapping you right in the kisser with a solid whack of blues sludge straight from The Stooges 101: Raw, primal rhythms, menacing tones and swaggering, feral postures, all delivered with just a touch of Brit restraint and sophistication. Or at least as much restraint and sophistication as you can muster in lyrics such as “I could stroke your hair or tear it out of your head / I could kiss your throat or I could choke you instead.” Now that’s what you call a surprise ending.