Home Read Classic Album Review: Coal Chamber | Chamber Music

Classic Album Review: Coal Chamber | Chamber Music

Come for the Ozzy cameo on Shock The Monkey. Don't stay for the rest of this junk.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


An amateur-musician I know has two rules in his bands: No tattoos and no piercings.

That would let out all the members of this L.A. goth-metal quartet, who, judging by the cover art here, appear to have spent more time getting inked, styled, dyed and stuck than writing songs. On Coal Chamber, their second album, their music is just as trendy and overblown as their appearance — the crunchy rap-metal guitar riffs, the thundering hip-hop beats, the creepy NiN goth-shtik, the pea soup-spitting Exorcist vocals. Yawn. The only halfway cool thing here is a duet with Ozzy Osbourne (whose wife Sharon manages the band) on Peter Gabriel’s Shock The Monkey. Otherwise, Chamber Music just proves my buddy had the right idea.