Home Read Classic Album Review: Speech | Hoopla

Classic Album Review: Speech | Hoopla

Arrested Development's main man takes a joyride through a hip-hop landscape.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Former Arrested Development main man Speech’s new disc begins with him asking directions to the main drag. Don’t be fooled. Speech knows exactly where he’s going — he just isn’t in any hurry to get there.

This sophomore solo outing is a lighthearted joyride through a varied hip-hop landscape of loose deepwoods funk, folky southern guitars and back-porch melodies. Along the way, Speech detours to pay his respects to everyone from Stevie Wonder and De La Soul to Sly Stone and Bob Marley, without ever getting too far off track. It may not be the most direct route, but it definitely is worth the trip.