Home Read Classic Album Review: Patti Scialfa | Rumble Doll

Classic Album Review: Patti Scialfa | Rumble Doll

The E Streeter gets a second chance to make a first impression with this reissue.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Anyone who has fallen under the spell of Patty Scialfa’s recent 23rd Street Lullaby album ought to take a step back with this equally heartfelt 1993 debut from Mrs. Boss.

HITS: Hey, if this batch of moody, Springsteenish fare had yielded hits, it might not have taken her 11 years to get around to a followup.

MISSES: They couldn’t dig up a couple of outtakes or live songs?

EXTRAS: Some guy named Bruce plays guitar on a couple of cuts.