Home Read Classic Album Review: Ministry | Houses Of The Molé

Classic Album Review: Ministry | Houses Of The Molé

Al Jourgensen is back to his old self with this fierce and focused Dubya takedown.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Even a loose cannon hits the bull’s-eye every now and then. And when the target is as big as a Texas Bush, well, even Al Jourgensen can’t miss.

After a long creative slump, the misanthropic Ministry mastermind has rebounded big-time with Houses Of The Molé, his most focused and fierce work in nearly a decade. These 11 lashings of grinding industrial metal are belligerently brought to you by the letter Dubya, from the alliterative titles (Waiting, Worthless, Wrong, Worm, etc.) to the plentiful Bush-speak samples (“We’re fighting evil!”) and pointed politics of cuts like No W. To add injury to insult, Jourgensen has also honed his musical axe, discarding his recent sludgy bombast for the pneumatic abrasion and relentless intensity of his ’90s peak. No, he’s not pushing the envelope — but he is back to his old self. And whether you like it or not, we have the Shrub to thank for it.