Home Read Classic Album Review: Brian Wilson | Gettin’ In Over My Head

Classic Album Review: Brian Wilson | Gettin’ In Over My Head

It's no Pet Sounds, but the Beach Boys still dishes up plenty of Good Vibrations.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Sure, Brian Wilson is a genius. Thing is, so was Leonardo da Vinci — and even he didn’t paint the Mona Lisa every time he picked up a brush.

So we shouldn’t be disappointed Wilson’s new studio disc Gettin’ In Over My Head can’t kick sand in the face of Pet Sounds. There are still plenty of good vibrations to be found on these 13 lavishly produced, harmony-soaked souvenirs of retro-surf rock and baroque orch-pop. Any Beach Boys fan will connect with the pumpin’ groove of Desert Drive, the gorgeous melodicism of the title cut, the hooky rock of City Blues (featuring Eric Clapton) and a touching posthumous duet with late brother Carl on Soul Searchin’. Still, I have to admit to being a bit bummed that some cuts are apparently updates of tunes from the mid-’90s. After all, Leonardo may not have painted the Mona Lisa every time — but he didn’t paint it over again either.