Home Read Classic Album Review: Soil | Throttle Junkies

Classic Album Review: Soil | Throttle Junkies

The Chicagoans offer a goat-sucking hawg of pedal-to-metal, Southern-fried rawk.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


As far as I know, Rob Zombie has never covered Sweet Home Alabama — but if he did, it might sound a little like Chicago’s Soil.

Like their recent EP El Chupacabra, this debut full-length is a goat-sucking hawg of pedal-to-the-metal, Southern-fried rawk, laced with a soaring twin-guitar attack, thunderous crunching riffs and Satanic James Hetfield vocals. Recorded by indie-rock god Steve Albini (Nirvana), TJ has no fancy trappings: No samples, no keyboards, no rap-rock riffs. Just six strings, five guys and one goal: World domination. This is what happens when the devil goes down to Georgia.