Home Read Classic Album Review: The Planet Smashers | Life Of The Party

Classic Album Review: The Planet Smashers | Life Of The Party

The Montreal ska vets play it cool on their entertaining third studio album.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Being the life of the party in a curling uniform is no mean feat, but Montreal ska vets The Planet Smashers pull it off on their third album — and without resorting to any cheap lampshade-on-the-head antics.

Instead, they play it cool. Avoiding the typical herky-jerk and forced franticity of most modern ska, they let old-school Jamaican bluebeat’s tried-and-true flowing rhythms and supple horns provide a solid foundation for their frat-boy lyrical tomfoolery in songs like Super Orgy Porno Party, Surfin’ In Tofino and Kung Fu Master. If you dig bands like California’s Hepcat, invite The Planet Smashers to your next bash.