Home Read Classic Album Review: Flux A.D. | Passive Aggressive

Classic Album Review: Flux A.D. | Passive Aggressive

The Ontario electro-rock quintet deliver a flawless jewel of a debut album.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


The indie-rock scene is like a giant mine loaded with fool’s gold, semi-precious stones and diamonds in the rough — but every now and then, out of nowhere pops a pure, uncut gem.

Wondrous Ontario electro-rock quintet Flux A.D. are as flawless a jewel as you’ll find anywhere. In fact, it’s almost too bad for them they’re Canadian; if this sparkling piece of dreamy pop art came out in the U.K., these kids would be drinking with Oasis on Top Of The Pops by now. They’ve got the phonogenic, photogenic singer in the form of sweet-sounding Julie MacDonald; the sure-fire hit single in the lusciously venomous Twisted Little Lies; and a solid album of intelligent, hooky tunes — think trip-hoppy Veruca Salt or Juliana Hatfield — to back it up. In other words, they’ve got it all.