Home Read Classic Album Review: Yukmouth | Thugged Out

Classic Album Review: Yukmouth | Thugged Out

The rap motormouth sounds played out on this five-years-too-late release.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Former Luniz motormouth Yukmouth calls his double-disc opus an “albulation” — half album, half compilation.

He could have called it Scarface II Society; his worldview is equal parts Martin Scorsese movies and ghetto gangsterism. Which isn’t a bad thing. Unfortunately, it also isn’t a new thing. Five years ago, this intense gangsta rap would have been groundbreaking. Now, 130 minutes of gunshots, helicopters, 8-balls, 4-0s, macks, playas, haters, Range Rovers, beepers, beeyatches, hoz, blunts, thugs — and more N-words than in Mark Fuhrman’s diary — is just wearying. Thugged Out? More like played out.