This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):
Perhaps you have come across the helium-voiced, Ritalin-deprived and sartorially challenged music journalist Nardwuar the Human Serviette on MuchMusic.
Perhaps you don’t find him quite as irritating as, say, a cheese grater to the face. Perhaps, then, you will appreciate Ripple Rock, the latest retroriffic offering from his sugar-buzz power-pop ensemble The Evaporators. Perhaps you will snap your fingers, tap your toes and bob your noggin to the jittery beats, funhouse organ lines and twangy guitar jangle of his new wave nerd-rock and garage-a-go-go stylings. Perhaps you will even sing along with and become one with catchy-kitschy ditties like Addicted to Cheese, Nard Nest and Salad Bar. Perhaps, you will even decide that beneath his man-child mischief, there lurks genius.