Home Read Classic Album Review: Fozzy | Happenstance

Classic Album Review: Fozzy | Happenstance

Chris Jericho & Stuck Mojo offer more pointless metal covers & third-rate originals.

This came out in 2002 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Apparently, pretending to be a wrestler isn’t all Chris Jericho wants out of life. He wants to pretend to be a rock star, too.

So, once again, the former Chris Irvine and onetime Winnipeg Sun ’rassling freelancer (I still remember watching him hunt-and-peck out a column back in the days when he was pretending to be a reporter) is back in the ring with his tag-team partners — Atlanta rap-metal outfit Stuck Mojo — in the heavy-metal tribute act Fozzy. Like their self-titled 2000 debut, Happenstance is dominated by pointless bar-band covers of metal classics like Freewheel Burning, Mob Rules, Big City Nights, Balls to the Wall and L.O.V.E. Machine, topped with the tuneless barks and bellows of Jericho’s alter ego Mongoose McQueen. For those who haven’t tapped out yet, Jericho and the boys bash their way through third-rate power-metal originals with titles like Crucify Yourself and To Kill A Stranger. But even though it has no redeeming value, you have to hand it to Chris — it takes some doing to come up with an act even more undignified than prancing around in a bathing suit hoisting sweaty dudes by the crotch.