Thursday Mixtape | 104 Songs That Blew In Out Of Nowhere (Side 7)

It’s been kind of quiet this week. Until today, when 104 new singles, videos, cover tunes and remixes blew in from points near and far. Maybe the hurricane-force winds outside have something to do with it. Or maybe everybody’s just trying to get a jump on Friday. Whatever the story, here you go. Today’s Tinnitist-approved tracks are tagged with a 💨. Fasten your seatbelt; it’s going to be a bumpy flight:



💨 97 | Miranda Lambert | Actin’ Up

98 | Ethel Cain | Strangers

💨 99 | Ben Sures | No One Will Remember You

100 | Phoneswithchords | What’s The Use The Real Use?

101 | The Henrys | A Night Beyond Repair


102 | Lucian Ban | Ways of Disappearing

103 | Alberto Boccardi | Silice

104 | Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch | Ravage