Home Read Classic Album Review: Billy Mahonie | The Big Dig

Classic Album Review: Billy Mahonie | The Big Dig

This came out in 2000 — or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


It sounds like the name of an Irish folk-punk with an acoustic guitar and a spiky quiff — but in truth, there is no Billy Mahonie.

In fact, no one in this English instrumental quartet is named Billy or Mahonie. Putting a moniker to their distinctive sound is equally difficult. Although it cycles through the elements of indie, prog and post-rock, their guitar excursions lean more toward the sleepy, slacker-garage vibe of Pavement than the mathy sonic dissertations of Tortoise. Billy’s real secret weapon — and the element that truly sets them apart, however — is their two-bass lineup. One four-stringer anchors the traditional bottom end, freeing the other to play off the guitar lines, adding a textural middle-ground to the spectrum and giving the band a sound with its own distinct personality. Maybe that’s who Billy Mahonie is.