These came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got ’em. Here’s what I said about them back then (with some minor editing):
Now that the music biz is ruled by 15 year olds and Latin lovers, what’s a band of fun-loving thirtysomething hosers to do?
Well, if the band in question is veteran indie-rock trio Furnaceface, there’s only one answer: Fuhgeddabowdit and take matters into your own hands. So, on their fifth album — and the first release from their own indie label — this long-serving trio carry on doing what they do best, churning out another crop of witty ditties (I’m Getting Fat), rousing rockers (Lucky #7) and classic pop gems (Heartless). And of course, what’s the point of owning your own label if you don’t use it to issue your goofy, drunken side projects? I am speaking, of course, of Slo’ Tom & The Horse Shit Heroes, the booze-addled country outfit led by of ’Face bassist Tom Stewart and drummer Dave (Deadly) Dudley. With a tear in their beer and three sheets to the wind, these heroes pour on the heartbreak with 100-proof originals like Liquor’s My Lover and well-aged covers from boozehounds like Willie Nelson (Gotta Get Drunk), Kris Kristofferson (Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down) and, best of all, Ozzy Osbourne (Crazy Train, done like you’ve never heard it before). That calls for another round.