Home Read Classic Album Review: Gwar | War Party

Classic Album Review: Gwar | War Party

Most songs go: Blaaarrgh! Chugga-chugga-chugga. Whumpa! Whumpa!

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Gwar back. That good. Gwar very metal. Gwar loud. Loud and heavy. Heavy like boulder. That good too.

Gwar dress like cartoon barbarian horde. Or maybe bad horror movie monsters. Gwar sing about raping and pillaging and eating babies. That sound like good clean fun. But why most Gwar songs so hard to remember after they stop? Most Gwar songs sound like this: Blaaarrgh! Chugga-chugga-chugga. Whumpa! Whumpa! Then Blaaarrgh! again. That must be chorus. But who cares? Gwar is all about live show. Much gore and guts and fake blood. Other body fluids too. And sometimes females with small clothes. That good too. Gwar pillage at bar near you soon. You go. Blaaarrgh!