D’Lee Reminds Herself (And You) To Keep Chasing Dreams

The singer-songwriter offers up an empowering anthem for single moms everywhere.

D’Lee implores her younger self to hang in there with her inspiring and empowering new country waltz Chasing Dreams — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

The up-and-coming country singer-songwriter’s latest release delves deep into the struggles and hopes of a single mom, mirroring her own experiences. As a single mother juggling responsibilities and living paycheck-to-paycheck, D’Lee’s heartfelt lyrics resonate with many who find themselves in similar situations. She powerfully conveys the message that despite life’s challenges, dreams are worth pursuing and that we should never give up on them.

“I have often wondered, if I could go back to that time when I was struggling so much, what would I want to say to her?” D’Lee says. “This song is the message of hope that I would want to tell her. I would want her to know that even though her dream seemed so far from her, that she should never let it go because one day, her time would come. She would have the chance to actually live her dream.

“I would want her to know how much I appreciated all she taught me about myself because I couldn’t be who I am today without her. I would want her to know that she didn’t need to worry so much, that her perseverance paid off because the bills would get paid, the roof would stay over her head, that the kids would be OK, and that as a family we would make it through it all! I have so much love for that lil’ momma.”

In Chasing Dreams, D’Lee’s raspy, smoky vocals shine as she sings:

“Hey there, lil’ momma, don’t you ever give in
You’re chasing your dreams with a fire from within
Through the struggles and the tears, you’re gonna rise above
You’re a survivor, lil’ momma, when push comes to shove…
Life may throw you curveballs and the road may be rough.
But you’ve got the strength to weather the rough.
In your heart, there’s a dream, and it’s waiting to soar.
Hey there, lil’ momma, you’re destined for more.”

Produced by the acclaimed duo April Rose Gabrielli and Jacob Kulick in Nashville, Chasing Dreams is a testament to D’Lee‘s songwriting and vocal prowess. The song is both a personal and a universal story, reminding women of their worth and the importance of their dreams. Musically, Chasing Dreams is an old-school, traditional country waltz that brought D’Lee back to her roots of singing old country songs with her dad when she was a little girl.

“I wanted to create a traditional old-school country song with a modern, adult-contemporary twist,” she says. “Out of all my songs, this is the one that my Dad would have loved and we would have listened to together.”

D’Lee‘s ability to tell real-life stories through her music has already garnered significant attention via previous releases like Kissing Frogs, Cinderella, Wonder Woman and Better Than Bitter.

Check out Chasing Dreams above, hear more from D’Lee below, and follow her on Instagram and Facebook.